SCIMAGO Institutions Rankings 2020
Nirma University has received an Overall India Rank of 52 and Global Rank of 756 in the category of Higher Education. The SCIMAGO Institutions Rankings is a science evaluation resource to assess worldwide universities and research-focused institutions. Academic and research related institutions are ranked by a composite indicator that combines indicators based on research performance, innovation outputs, and societal impact.
Nirma University employees contribute to Gujarat Chief Minster Relief Fund
Amid Coronavirus outbreak, Nirma University has pledged to contribute one-day salary of all its employees towards the Chief Minister Relief Fund. It is a small gesture from the employees and the University to support the government in its relief activities during COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19: Strategy at the University
The lockdown is an unprecedented experience for everyone, but very quickly students and teachers have started adapting to new normal in pursuit of continuing with the teaching and learning. The University has suspended on-campus classes until the situation comes under control. Faculty members are conducting classes in online mode through various platforms. Audio classes are being conducted though the digital platform besides sharing the reading material, research papers, presentations, videos in addition to the course website. The University staff is working from home for the smooth functioning of important operations.
The University has also initiated online counseling for all its students. If any student is facing any psychological, emotional or mental stress they may get in touch with the university counsellor via an email. This counselling is in addition to the regular faculty mentoring that the students receive.
The University has undertaken deep cleaning of all the offices, classrooms and other campus areas. It has also disinfected different areas on the campus. The University houses several animals (rats and rabbits) in its Animal House on the campus for research purposes. It is taking special measures for food and healthcare of these animals.